Urgent media briefing: UAC march continues despite Nedlac
The organisers of the Unite against Corruption march invite all media to an urgent final press conference before we march on Wednesday, 30 September.
The broad spectrum of coalition members will be present and will include trade unions, faith-based organisations, students and civil society. Four senior representatives from each of these constituencies will be available at the press conference.
There is deep concern among all members of the coalition about the way in which Nedlac and its various representatives in its Section 77 committee have managed the perfectly legal and administratively correct application for a protected strike. These concerns will be covered in the press conference.
DATE: Monday 28 September 2015
TIME: 13h30 for 14h00
VENUE: Section27, 5th Floor, Braamfontein Centre, 23 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Please urgently RSVP to either Patience Mkosana on 072 992 8380/patience [at] corruptionwatch [dot] org [dot] za or Ntsiki Mpulo on 082 782 7143/mpulo [at] section27 [dot] org [dot] za